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Exit Interview Questions

AG Law Firm Sept. 3, 2024

  1. What did you like most about working here?

    • Felt Valued;

    • Liked transparent processes;

    • Liked all-matter meetings;

    • Liked firm culture;

  1. What did you like least about working here?

    • Clients

  2. What could we have done better?

    • Starting to teach clients the system we’re using in Docketwise more;

    • Teaching clients how the firm works better;

  3. How did responsibilities and tasks match up with expectations for this job?

    • Yes

  4. Did you have what you needed — equipment, resources, training and staff — to perform effectively?

    • Yes – training didn’t need as much;

  5. Would You Ever Consider Returning To This Company?

    • Yes

  6. How would you describe our company culture?

  1. Did you feel like your job description changed since you were hired?

  1. What qualities do you think we should look for in your replacement?

  2. Did you receive feedback to help you improve?

    • Yes – Gabriela was a great advocate for that;

  3. Do you think we adequately recognized your contributions? If not, how do you think the recognition can improve?

    • Yes – accurate to what he did;

  4. How can we improve training and development?

  5. What are you most looking forward to in your new job?

  6. Do you have anything you’d like to add?